...that the Gibsons Legion, Branch 109 Royal Canadain Legion, is much more than just a weekend entertainment, bar, and rental hall?
Check out some of the "things to do" here at the Gibsons Legion:
Billiards - 6 x 12 tables - Cues available
Open play for anyone from Noon to closing except for:
Tuesday - 12:00 - Senior Snooker
7:00 PM - Thursday Night League - Restricted play.
Darts - Six boards open on the Lounge side - Darts are available at the bar.
Open to anyone - noon - closing except for:
Saturday and Sunday starting at 4:00 during the meat draws - Fun Darts - Doubles Play - 501 Double In.
Wednesday Fun Darts - Blind Draw Doubles - 7:00 PM to Closing - $2:00 entry
Snowball for $1:00 for scores 81+
Foosball Table and Shuffleboard - Open every day (unless the meeting room is in use)
Cribbage Play - Sunday starting at 1:00 PM
Library - Books available for loan - take home for reading or relax in the lounge.